Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Jan, Tri- shutter cards
Thursday, 22 July 2010
It's In The Bag!

Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Julie: Cards using 'Sweet Pea' stamps
See you over there. Race you ....
Julie :)
Sunday, 18 July 2010
A Savoury Dish
To start you need to bake blind a pastry case or buy one , about 8inch dish. I buy frozen pastry these days as its so much easier for me as the 2 things I cant make are yorkshire puddings (tried every recipe under the sun)and pastry.
Then chop and fry 2 medium leeks , place these in the bottom of the pastry case
Now crumble over the leeks 6oz Blue Stilton cheese
Mix together in a jug 2eggs and a small carton of single cream , pour over the top of the leeks n cheese
pop in the oven at gas 5 for about 25-30mins , eat and enjoy
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
It's Never Too Early!
I'd searched and searched for vintage glass glitter and the nice lady at 3djean said if she could find some then she would get some........and she did! it's fabulous stuff!
So what did I make... a vintage snowman and here's how.
Take two different sized balls, these can be made of anything, these are compacted cotton paper. Cover in PVA glue and roll them in that fabulous silver chunky glitter. Gather a few twigs ( for his arms), paint them white.

Sunday, 11 July 2010
Sweet Pea
Some are quite cute but also with a bit of GOTHIC thrown in , so that's why I just had to start stocking them.
I used the Red Hearts and the Exotic Halloween from the range.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Pretty Butterflies ...
Friday, 9 July 2010
Julie: Alter-A-Bag kit
- the 'Alter-A-Bag' kit and
- the 'Alter-A-T-shirt' kit,
... and they come complete with everything you need to create your own bird-cage themed customised project.
In previous posts Effie, Jean and Jan have all shown you theirs ... now it's my turn to show you mine:
This particular project kit is one of Effie's mini-masterpieces which she created and shared with all of us who attend 'Efermera Ink' our monthly, local crafting group a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed making my birdie bag at the time, so it's nice to get to share it with you now:
While you don't actually get Effie herself posted out to you in person to help you make your bag/T-shirt, you do get full details, instructions and photos to show you what's what! I faithfully and obediently followed Effie's demonstrations except for when it came to adding my bird. Call me contrary ... but ...
... when I looked at everyone elses birds facing into their cages, I decided to have mine hopping out instead, a decision which possibly tells you quite a lot about me!!
I loved making the flower [above] but I won't spoil it for you by telling just what the technique is used to achieve such a professional look [you'll get the instructions in the kit]. Again, it's one of Effie's gems of crafting wisdom! Like the way she introduced me to iron-on dyes:
I didn't know there was such a thing as dyes you could iron-on until I started attending Effie's crafting group. And yes, it is as much fun as it sounds!
All you need is a regular iron, the kind you use for ironing clothes - if you can imagine doing such a thing - and you can create surface patterns and colours that you would have thought you had to go to art college to learn about.
I enjoyed using the Kemtex dye colour sheets so much that Effie let me take some home to play with ... she's kind to me like that! And play I did.
In fact I played for so long that I think I might have worn out my iron as it now makes strange growling noises when it gets hot ... they're a lot of fun ... don't say I didn't warn you!
So, for all of those of you who don't get to attend Effie's workshops in person, why not let Jean provide you with the next best thing through one of the bag or the T-Shirt kits.
Really the only thing missing is the tea and laughter we also have when we all get together ... it's a shame we haven't found a way to send you some of that in the mail ... but we're working on it ...
See you soon.
Julie :)
Thursday, 8 July 2010
169 days to go......
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Bags to Dye for!

The dye is ironed through a stencil...the design is then hand embroidered, the bird appliqued, embellishments added and hand made flowers attached........

Colour fastness is not guaranteed .. so hand wash in cold water
PS... It's not me in the picture...............just some random woman!
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Jan: Spring card Tutorial
Fold the card in half so that it forms a square.
Repeat the fold but this time top left hand corner down . Again use the bone folder to sharpen the crease.
Open out flat. I have turned the card so that the folds are now on my left. Why didn't I start that way ? Don't ask. Now find the central point on the right hand side and mark.
Using the central point cut back towards the folds to create a point.
Now the tricky bit push the two side folds in over to form the diamond. The left hand section folds forward to make the platform. If you're still with me you're nearly there!
See now you can see where we're going.