
Friday, 27 September 2013

Another 3 weeks all at once

First I must apologies for the quality of photo , i'm not at home and i took them before I left so I could do this blog post whilst sat in my hotel room and I had not realized the poor quality  

 So three more weeks done , but i do believe i've another 4 weeks to do when I return home. Just a little behind , but I think with the size of the sheets i can get them done in a night. (fingers crossed)  
The first is the "What's in your fridge" and the photo is of the tiny fridge in our caravan ready for 2 weeks in the New Forest in August , weather was great and we had a well earned lovely rest .
The second is "flowers" again another holiday photo taken at Compton Acres on a day out.
Thirdly is "someone you love" so got to be a picture of Olivia , 13 and growing fast.

How are the rest of you doing    


  1. Great photos Jean, I am keeping up !!

  2. lovely Sid I have done the something green one
